Postdoc position
Under the project “Sustainable Transport Under Pandemic Context”, University of Littoral has an immediate position for a postdoc researcher to work on MATsim. The project is related to transport modeling in the North of France with a focus on the improvement of calibration techniques and the implementation of epidemiological model.
The position is for a period of 12 months with a net salary about 2,200 € per month. We are seeking a candidate who is familiar with agent-based traffic modelling, who have and experience with MATsim (or similar simulators).
The selection will be based on the main criteria:
technical skills in transport modeling,
- data gathering and processing (databases)
- model calibration
- output analysis
- and experience with MATsim (or similar tools)
motivation to work on transport modeling
familiarities with Java/Eclipse environment
ability to process XML files
Other criteria that will be considered:
* skills in the manipulation of geographical information systems * big data and statistical analysis * knowledge of epidemiological models * experience with mathematical optimisation methods
For more information please contact Prof Moez KILANI or Prof Daniel DE WOLF