Class RandomJointLocationChoiceAlgorithm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RandomJointLocationChoiceAlgorithm
    extends Object
    implements GenericPlanAlgorithm<GroupPlans>
    Randomly mutates activity locations, with a high probability that social contacts go to the same location. It uses the following random local search method:
    • group agents with random social contacts from the replanning group
    • for each of those group, choose a random flexible type to mutate
    • choose a random activity of this type (if any) for each agent
    • mutate the location of those activities to the same random location
    the random location is choosen the following way:
    • compute the center of gravity of the current locations of the activities
    • choose a random direction
    • sample a distance from a normal distribution, to that in 95% of the case, it falls bellow the upperBound95 parameter of the config group
    • choose the facility closest to the corresponding point.