Package org.matsim.contrib.socnetsim

This package contains all functionality related to simulating joint behavior, as described in this dissertation. It is recommended to skim at least Chapter 3 of the dissertation before looking at the code. Chapters 4 and 6 are recommended to understand the specifics of the applications to households and friendship networks. Here is a short guide of the different sub-packages:


org.matsim.contrib.socnetsim.framework contains the "framework" that allows the simulation of joint behavior. The following elements are the most important:

Specific Applications

Additional packages provide implementation of classes geared towards specific applications. In particular:

  • org.matsim.contrib.socnetsim.jointactivities contains classes relative to simulating the decision to participate in joint leisure activities (see Chapter 6)
  • org.matsim.contrib.socnetsim.jointtrips contains classes relative to simulating the decision to perform joint car trips (several agents in one vehicle, see Chapter 4)
  • org.matsim.contrib.socnetsim.sharedvehicles contains implementation of decisions relative to using shared household vehicles. This was not part of the thesis.


RunExampleSocialSimulation demonstrates how to plug all elements together.