Package org.matsim.contrib.signals

This package contains interfaces and classes that provide functionality to plug a signal system model in the MATSim framework.


If input files for signal systems are already available, simulation of traffic lights can be enabled via MATSim config options and by adding the signals extension to the simulation (i.e. to the controler).

Examples of such configurations can be found as input of the code examples and tests in this package. Also, you can find examples how to add the signals extension to the simulation there.

Data Model description

If the corresponding input files are set in the matsim config and useSignalsystems are enabled the data is loaded into the Scenario and can be retrieved by calling (SignalsData) scenario.getScenarioElement(SignalsData.ELEMENT_NAME).

Model description


The model consists of several logical layers that can be found as subpackages of this package. For more information see
  • Grether, D. S., 2014. Extension of a multi-agent transport simulation for traffic signal control and air transport systems. Ph.D. thesis, TU Berlin.


The layers of the model can be used separately and independently from each other. The default implementation uses all layers of the model in this package. The building layer is used to couple the other layers together. If you want to exchange or extend a certain part of the model have a look at the factory and builders of the default implementation that create the components of interest. Implement your customized factories and builders using or extending the provided interfaces and replace the factories/builders of the default implementation by your instances to get your extension or customization into the model.

An example of an adaptive signal control implementation and an example of an actuated signal control implementation can be found in this package (in the controller subpackage). The code examples also point to this implementations. See also the following publications, for more information on these traffic-responsive signals:

  • Grether, D., Bischoff, J., Nagel, K., 2011. Traffic-actuated signal control: Simulation of the user benefits in a big event real-world scenario. In: 2nd International Conference on Models and Technologies for ITS, Leuven, Belgium.
  • Kühnel, N., Thunig, T., Nagel, K., 2018. Implementing an adaptive traffic signal control algorithm in an agent-based transport simulation. Procedia Computer Science 130, 894–899.
  • Thunig, T., Kühnel, N., Nagel, K., 2018. Adaptive traffic signal control for real-world scenarios in agent-based transport simulations. Transportation Research Procedia.

Package Maintainer(s):

  • Theresa Thunig
Changes by non-maintainers are prohibited. Patches very welcome!
dgrether, tthunig