Package org.matsim.contrib.signals.model

Signal Model

The signal model implementation consists of several components:
  • A SignalSystemsManager instance as central point in the model, providing its components and with pointers to each other. Furthermore it provides access to the MATSim EventsManager.
  • An implementation for fixed-time signal control, see below
  • One or several implementations of the SignalController that may contain algorithms for signal control.
  • A logic to show a red-amber and a amber phase when a signal group changes from red to green.
  • A factory, i.e. an implementation of SignalSystemsFactory to create the components of the model.
  • An implementation of the Signal interface that serves as connection between the org.matsim.contrib.signals.model package and the org.matsim.contrib.signals.mobsim package. Currently there are two implementations:
    • DatabasedSignal for a Signal based on the given data.
    • SignalImpl for a Signal created in initialization code

Fixed-time Signal Control

Fixed-time or also plan based signal control uses the attributes
  • cycle time
  • offset
  • onset
  • dropping
Whereby onset is the second the signal group starts its switch to green within a cycle time. This may first trigger a red-amber phase if amber times are defined. At second dropping within the cycle the switch to red is triggered. If amber times are defined red is preceded by a phase where the signal group is shows amber. The offset is the second onset and dropping are shifted in respect to the global simulation time.

Package Maintainer(s):

  • Dominik Grether
Changes by non-maintainers are prohibited. Patches very welcome!