
Signal Groups

The data classes of this package can be used to model groups of signals. For each signal system defined in the SignalSystemsData container the signals of the system can be grouped. A SignalGroupData consists of:
  • The Id of the SignalGroupData
  • The Id of the signal system the group belongs to
  • The signals that are grouped
Signals that are in one group have a common onset and dropping in the fixed-time control model of the org.matsim.contrib.signals.model package. A typical case to group signals is for example to group the signal controlling traffic in direction straight ahead and the signal for the opposite direction.

The Events used by the signal model are thrown when a signal group is changing its state.

The classes correspond to the data format defined in signalGroups_v2.0.xsd for that a reader and a writer can be found in this package.

The top-level container and central entry point is the interface SignalGroupsData. There a factory for the components of the container can be found.

You can find a convenience method in the org.matsim.contrib.signals.SignaUtils class that creates a signal group for each signal of a signalsystem and adds it to the signal groups container.

Package Maintainer(s):

  • Dominik Grether
Changes by non-maintainers are prohibited. Patches very welcome!