
Signal Control

The interface of this package can be used to store and create information about the controllers of the signal systems. Primarily it serves as container for a customizeable identifier for all signal control algorithms used.

As a default control algorithm the package can be used to model a fixed-time control behavior. Therefore a signal plan is created containing settings for signal groups that specify an onset and the dropping for a signal group. The plan specifies further an offset and a cycle time.

In general a fixed-time controller of a signal system may have several plans. However there is no mechanism introduced yet, that implements plan selection, even if the model already has data fields for daytime based selection. Thus always exactly one of the defined plans is used. This plan is however unspecified, use only one plan per signal system. The next release will support a better behavior.

The classes correspond to the data format defined in signalControl_v2.0.xsd for that a reader and a writer can be found in this package.

The top-level container and central entry point is the interface SignalControlData. There a factory for the components of the container can be found.

Package Maintainer(s):

  • Dominik Grether
Changes by non-maintainers are prohibited. Patches very welcome!