
Intergreen times

The data classes of this package can be used to specify intergreen times, i.e. the time a signal group has to show red before it "is allowed" to show green, which may depends on the time another signal group switched to red. There is a logic implemented that checks this intergreen times and throws an error or warning if the signal control does not comply with the provided data.

The classes correspond to the data format defined in intergreenTimes_v1.0.xsd for that a reader and a writer can be found in this package.

The top-level container and central entry point is the interface IntergreenTimesData. There a factory for the components of the container can be found.

For more information see the documentation in contrib/signals/docs/user-guide.

Package Maintainer(s):

  • Dominik Grether
Changes by non-maintainers are prohibited. Patches very welcome!
dgrether, tthunig