Package org.matsim.contrib.roadpricing

This package provides functionality to simulate different road-pricing scenarios in MATSim. It provides support for different toll schemes, for example distance tolls, cordon tolls and area tolls. The toll schemes are described in special XML files (see below). All supported toll schemes can be limited to a part of the network and can be time-dependent (that means that the amount agents have to pay for the toll can differ during the simulated day).
The specified toll amount should be in respect to the scoring function used. Typically, the scoring function contains a parameter that defines the marginal utility of money; that parameter is used to convert toll amounts into utilities.

Supported Toll Schemes

Distance Toll

In the case of a distance toll, the amount agents have to pay for the toll is linear to the distance they travel in the tolled area. The roadpricing-type must be set to "distance" in the roadpricing file (see below), and all the links that should be tolled must be listed. The costs are per "link length unit": If an agents travels along a link with length set to "100" (which usually means 100 metres for us), the agent will have to pay 100 times the amount specified in the roadpricing file. The time the agent enters a link is the determining time to define the costs.
Example Road-Pricing File for a distance toll:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE roadpricing SYSTEM "">

 <roadpricing type="distance" name="equil-net distance-toll for tests">

        <description>A simple distance toll scheme for the equil-network.</description>

                <link id="6" />
                <link id="15" />

        <!-- amount: [monetary unit] / [link length unit] -->
        <cost start_time="06:00" end_time="10:00" amount="0.00020" />
        <cost start_time="10:00" end_time="15:00" amount="0.00010" />
        <cost start_time="15:00" end_time="19:00" amount="0.00020" />


Cordon Toll

In the case of a cordon toll, agents have to pay a fixed amount each time they enter a tolled link from a non-tolled link. The roadpricing type in the file has to be set to "cordon". The links listed in the roadpricing file are the "tolled links". There are two possibilities to specify the tolled links:
  • All the links in the area enclosed by the cordon are listed. In this case, agents only pay the toll when entering the cordon from the outside, but not when driving from the inside to the outside. This has the advantage that the listed links are the same as for an area toll within the same area. DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY (in the router). kai, apr'13
  • Only the links that build the cordon are listed. In this case, agents have to pay each time they cross the cordon, no matter if from the outside or from the inside (assuming both links, incoming and outgoing, are listed).
Each time an agent enters a tolled link, while having been on an not-tolled link before, the agent has to pay the specified amount. The time the agent enters a link is determining the costs.
Example Road-Pricing File for a cordon toll:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE roadpricing SYSTEM "">

 <roadpricing type="cordon" name="equil-net cordon-toll">

        <description>A simple cordon toll scheme for the equil-network.</description>

                <link id="6" />
                <link id="15" />

        <!-- amount: [monetary unit] / [traveling across a tolled link.] -->
        <cost start_time="06:00" end_time="10:00" amount="1.00" />
        <cost start_time="10:00" end_time="15:00" amount="0.50" />
        <cost start_time="15:00" end_time="19:00" amount="1.00" />


Distinct toll amounts for single links

For both presented toll schemes, i.e. distance and cordon tolls it is possible to specify a distinct amount of toll for each link. Just include a cost section for each link in the links section of the roadpricing file. In the subsequent example for link 6 the toll specified in the general cost section of the roadpricing file is used while for link 15 those defaults are overwritten by the costs specified within the link's tag.
    <link id="6" />
    <link id="15">
      <cost start_time="06:00" end_time="10:00" amount="1.00" />
      <cost start_time="10:00" end_time="15:00" amount="0.50" />
      <cost start_time="15:00" end_time="19:00" amount="1.00" />
[[I read the above text as if the "amount" entry has, with distance toll, different interpretations when used per link than when used in the general section. But when looking through the code, this cannot be substantiated; a per-link amount is multiplied with the link-length with distance toll, and charged as is with the other toll schemes. kai, nov'14]]

Link Toll

In order to reduce the margin of error with some of the schemes, there is now also a "link" scheme (i.e. type="link"), which just charges per link the amount that is in the file. This is possibly quite similar to "cordon", except that with cordon is it not clear what happens if you have two links in a sequence that are both tolled (the code might then decide that you are driving "inside" and not charge you on the second link).

Area Toll

[[Area toll does not work. The reason is that PlansCalcAreaTollRoute made too many assumptions about plans which are no longer correct, and in consequence the class would need to be re-implemented with current infrastructure. kn, apr'13 & nov'14]] In the case of an area toll, agents have to pay a fixed amount when they drive on one of the tolled links, but they have to pay the amount at most once during the simulation. The type must be set to "area" in the roadpricing file. The links listed in the file are the tolled links. The time an agent enters a link is determining if the agent has to be or not.
If more than one time-window is used (more than one <cost>-tag), they must all have the same toll amount, as it is not clear how much an agent would need to pay if he is traveling during several the time-windows (the highest amount of them? or the sum of them?).
Example Road-Pricing File for an area toll:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE roadpricing SYSTEM "">

 <roadpricing type="area" name="equil-net area-toll">

        <description>A simple area toll scheme for the equil-network.</description>

                <link id="6" />
                <link id="15" />

        <!-- amount: [monetary unit] / [simulations] -->
        <cost start_time="06:00" end_time="10:00" amount="2.00" />
        <cost start_time="15:00" end_time="19:00" amount="2.00" />


RoadPricing with the Controler

To simulate road pricing with the default MATSim Controler, prepare the road pricing XML file (more details and examples can be found with the description of each supported toll scheme). Then add the following part to your configuration:
 <module name="roadpricing">
   <param name="tollLinksFile" value="path/to/your/roadpricing-file.xml" />
Start MATSim using the following lines of code (check RunRoadPricingExample in the roadpricing contrib for an up-to-date example):
        public static void main(String[] args) {

                Config config = ConfigUtils.loadConfig( args[0], new RoadPricingConfigGroup() ) ;

                Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.loadScenario(config) ;
                Controler controler = new Controler(scenario) ;
                RoadPricing roadPricing = new RoadPricing() ;
                controler.addControlerListener( roadPricing ) ;
You can also call this from the command line with a release or a nightly build; the syntax is approximately
 java -Xmx2000m -cp MATSim.jar:roadpricing-.../roadpricing-...jar config.xml


Currently, the package has the following limitations:
  • Only one toll scheme can be simulated at a time.
  • As far as I understand, there is neither a consistent nor a "random mutation" way to deal with the "flat fee" issue of a daily area toll: If it makes sense for all individual trips during a day to drive around a toll area, the implementation will probably not find out that it might have made sense to pay the daily fee for all trips together. kai, mar'11 -- No, this is not entirely correct. There was originally a provision that enumerated the possible options. It was, however, too brittle to work under somewhat arbitrary circumstances, and so did not survive the many changes that this code underwent. kai, nov'14