Package org.matsim.contrib.minibus

Package that takes demand and infrastructure (roads, ...) as input and runs an adaptive "minibus" model to serve that demand. The resulting minibus lines can for example be used as follows:
  • As a starting point to construct a schedule for formal public transit.
  • As paratransit supply for scenarios where no information about paratransit is available.
Some publications (list not regularly updated):
  • Ph.D. dissertation of Andreas Neumann, pdf-version available at UB, TU Berlin
  • Towards a simulation of minibuses in South Africa, preprint available from VSP, TU Berlin
Look into RunMinibus to get started.

Quickstart from command line (without eclipse):
  1. Create an empty directory and cd into it.
  2. Download from into that directory and unzip its content.
  3. Get the illustrative scenario from VSP, TU Berlin, and place it in the same directory.
  4. Run the scenario from the command line by typing
    java -Xmx2000m -jar minibus-0.X.0-SNAPSHOT.jar config.xml