Package org.matsim.api.core.v01

The purpose of this package is to provide "external" programmers a stable way to access matsim. The idea is that matsim calls some external module as something like ExternalModule extMod = new ExternalModule( Scenario sc ) ; ... ; and then the external module can retrieve all relevant information from this without having to re-parse the input files. In consequence, the information provided by the basic interfaces is what is in the xml files (and potentially even less). If the external module needs any functionality beyond the "basic" functionality, it needs to build its own objects, e.g. class RouteNode { private Node node ; public getNodeInfo() { return node ;} private double arrivalTimeArray ; ... } Our intention at this point is to keep the interfaces stable (after they are released, which as of now (feb09) is not yet the case) but to potentially extend them. (Which assumes that, for the time being, no implementations of the interfaces exist except inside matsim.)